Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2007
Mitgliedschaft in beruflichen Verbänden

1. Since 1969 founding member of the "Arbeitskreis Junger Kriminolo­gen - AJK". Co-publisher (and for several years co-editor) of the "Kriminologisches Journal", a quaterly published by the association. 1980-1993 chairman of the "Scientific advisory board", stipulating activities of the association and deciding the publication policy of the journal. (

2. 1973 founding member of the "European Group for the Study of De­viance and Social Control", 1978/80 representa­tive of Germany in the steering committee of the European Group; active participant of international meetings of the European Group in Italy (Florence 1973), the Nether­lands (Amsterdam 1975), Danmark (Kopenhagen, 1979), Belgium (Leuven, 1980) and Northern Ireland (Londonderry, 1981).

3. Since 1976 member of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie - DGS" (German Society for Sociology), particularly involved in its section on "Social Problems and Social Control" (being a member of the executive board of this section from the begin­ning and for a long time one of its two chairmen); since 1983 for several years DGS-Commissioner in North-Rhein-Westfalia for problems in "Teaching Sociology at Universities". 1990-1993 Co-publisher of the new Journal of the DGS-Section: Soziale Probleme.

4. Since 1977 member of the International Sociological Association (ISA), in particular member of its "Research Committee for the So­ciology of Deviance and Social Control"; active partici­pation in many international meetings of this RC in Sweden (Stockholm 1978), the Netherlands (Den Haag 1979), Nigeria (Ibadan 1980), West-Germany (Wuppertal 1981), USA (San Francisco 1983), Costa Rica (San Jose 1984), Israel (Jerusalem 1986), Hongkong (1988), UdSSR (Moscow 1990); and in its academic activities during 4 World Congresses of Sociology in Sweden (Upsala 1978) Mexico (Mexico City 1982), India (New Dehli 1986) and Spain (Madrid 1990). Nearly all of these travels were financially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG). On the World Congress 1982 in Mexico City I was elected Vice-President of the "Research Committee for the Sociology of Deviance and Social Control" and in this position became respon­sible for the academic program of the RC during the World Con­gress 1986 in New Delhi, where I was elected President of the RC until 1990.

5. Since 1985 member of the "Berufsverband Deutscher Soziologen" (BDS - Association of professional German Sociologists); 2001-2005 Member of the BDS - Senate

6. 1990-1992 German Representative in the scientific board of the 'Groupe Européen de Recherche sur les Normativités' (GERN), Paris

7. 1990-1995 member of the board of the "Ge­sellschaft für interdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Kriminologie - GIWK' (Association for Interdisciplinary Scientific Criminology).

8. 1994-2005 Member of the editorial board of the 'Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare', Copenhagen

9. Since 1994 Member (and from February 1996 to May 1999 Chairman ) of the interdisciplinary (German) Association for Australian Studies e.V. (

10. Mitglied und Beisitzer im Vorstand der Else-Lasker-Schüler-Gesellschaft (

11. Seit 2006 Gründungsmitglied, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat und seit einigen Jahren 2. Vorsitzender im Verein 'Stolpersteine in Wuppertal e.V.' (
